The Proving Grounds
725 Conshohocken Rd, Conshohocken, PA 19428
July 4th – 6th, 2024
Nearest Airports
30 Minutes
50 Minutes
1.5 Hours
Learn more about the Tournament Experience

Click on the below text to access the latest rules & regulations. It is the teams’ and participants’ responsibility to keep checking for the latest version.
Registration is OPEN via the Umoja App, available in the App Store and Google Play Store.
Registration Details
USD$100 register before April 15
USD$125 register before May 15
USD$150 register before June 10
USD$175 register before June 24th
Registration deadline: June 24th @ Midnight
Our Financial Aid program is designed for participants and families that cannot afford to participate at our events. If interested, please complete the form below.
Please note, financial aid grants are not guarantee and handled on first-come-first-serve basis.
Learn more about the Guidelines, Waivers and Payment

I hereby confirm that I and all other participants in this registration meet the player eligibility and age requirements to participate at Umoja Games 2024. I also confirm that I have submitted a recently (in the last six months) taken picture for all participants as part of this registration. Please note, that this picture will be used for facial recognition that will be used at check-in.
I grant Umoja the right to use our participant profile picture(s), and separately photograph, video-record, and interview me and give them full and perpetual permission to use the resulting pictures, depictions, images, and quotes in its accounts, reports, websites, and promotions, for no financial consideration or other conditions whatsoever. I agree that any photographs submitted by myself or other participants included in this registration to Umoja Games may be altered or changed at the sole discretion of Umoja.
I further agree to comply with and follow any local public health department and/or Umoja requirements and procedures to participate in the Umoja Games. Umoja may revise such requirements and procedures at any time and I agree to abide by such revised requirements and procedures.
I hereby confirm that we will comply with any verification requests made by Umoja on behalf of participants’ that have lodged a formal request to verify players who they feel do not meet the respective participation guidelines. I also confirm accept failure to comply or unable to prove eligibility will result in disqualification from Umoja Games 2024 without exception and refunds. I also acknowledge our entire team(s) could be disqualified from the tournament without exception and refunds.
I agree to participate in the football (soccer) Umoja Games 2024 (“Umoja Games”) organized by the Umoja Outreach Foundation (“Umoja”). I understand that football (soccer) is a potentially dangerous sport in which the risk of injury can be significant, and serious, harmful, permanent, and fatal injuries can and do occur. While particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk of injury, the risk of serious injury does nonetheless exist. In consideration of my being allowed to participate in the Umoja Games, I hereby waive any and all claims whatsoever that I may sustain or become aware of during or known thereafter for damages against Umoja, its members, or any affiliates, agents, employees, and principals thereof, for injury, illness or loss howsoever incurred as a consequence of my participation.
I hereby give my consent to be treated by emergency medical personnel, a physician, or a surgeon in case of sudden injury or illness while participating in the Umoja Games. It is understood that the organizers will provide no medical insurance for such treatment and that the cost thereof will be at my expense.
I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the Umoja or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation in the Umoja Games. Umoja, its members, agents, employees, and principals from any liability whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from any participation in any sports activity, sponsored operated or promoted by Umoja. I further agree to indemnify Umoja, its members, agents, employees, and principals against any injury, illness, harm, damage, loss, property damage, cost, or fear, including attorneys’ fees incurred directly or indirectly as a consequence of my participation in the Umoja Games and other events sponsored by Umoja.
I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation in the Umoja Games. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest Committee member immediately.
I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representative and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless Umoja, its agents, employees, principals, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of the premises used to conduct the Umoja Games, with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of Umoja or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law in both the State of Indiana and respectfully under the jurisdiction and the laws of either the of United States of America and/or Canada.
I also grant Umoja the right to photograph, video-record, and interview me and give them full and perpetual permission to use the resulting pictures, depictions, images, and quotes in its accounts, reports, websites, and promotions, for no financial consideration whatsoever. I agree that any photographs submitted by myself to Umoja may be altered or changed at the sole discretion of Umoja.
The following table summarizes the refund policy should you need to cancel your participation at Umoja Games 2024. Refund amount will be minus any processing fees.
Refund requests must be submitted to [email protected]. All refund
requests will be processed within 60 days following the completion of the
This is a STAY TO PLAY tournament.
This means participants must stay at one of the delegated hotels where we have negotiated a great DISCOUNT for all our attendees.
Because the strongest of relationships are built off-the-field. Our discounts are also deeply discounted so that all our out-of-town guests can stay comfortably and reasonably.